California-based NanoSatisfi will launch its first "cube satellite," described as "a small, standardized vessel that can be modified with off-the-shelf parts and improved on by a community of open source builders" August 4. first american satellite Latin American Herald Tribune ... “At the end of the month, the first Ecuadorian satellite will be launched, not a satellite bought from a foreign country (but) a satellite made in Ecuador,” Correa said in his weekly radio address. He noted that the& ... NOAA Satellites – Helping Save Lives for 30 Years; October 1982 Marks First U.S. Life Saved by Satellite Assist. Posted on Thursday, October 11th, 2012 at 4:49 pm. 0 Flares 0 Flares ×. SARSAT system overview. (Credit: NOAA). (Click to& ...
Existing NOAA polar-orbiting weather satellites will be beyond their expected design lives when the U.S. launches the first Joint Polar Satellite System spacecraft, called JPSS-1, in 2017. The Defense Department has its own& ...
California-based NanoSatisfi will launch its first "cube satellite," described as "a small, standardized vessel that can be modified with off-the-shelf parts and improved on by a community of open source builders" August 4.
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